Quando uma língua não é o bastante!

Aprender uma língua nem sempre é o bastante. Mello Method vai te levar ao limite: inglês, espanhol, italiano, francês, polonês, hindi, mandarim, japonês, catalão, grego e holandês.

If you are a teacher or have a School we can Help you!

Mello Method is the perfect solution for you and your company. Você pode ser um licenciado do Mello Method e garatir o sucesso de seus alunos e seu sucesso funanceiro.

Sempre admirei Richard Simcott e Benny Lewis

Neste blog você encontrará dicas compiladas de minha experiência e de contatos com grandes poliglotas como Richard Simcott, Benny Lewis, Ziad Fazah entre outros.

Mis viajes por el mundo

Es siempre un placer aprender nuevas lenguas, pero aún más viajar y poder usarlas con la gente. Aquí aprenderás como viajar sin gastar tanto.

Not only a polyglot or a learner

I go beyond the theory, I run a language school and teach several languages there using Mello Method, because I trully believe that it works. And believe me: Mello Method works!!

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

It is not hard to learn a foreign language, neither several of them, but it is absolutely hard to maintain them all.

Hello There,
Wow, since a long time I do not have a time to write something here, but it does not matter, because in this post I decided to share a video of mine speaking some languages. As you will see I am “rust” in some of them. It is not very difficult to learn several languages, but it is really quite hard to keep them all at the same level. Fortunately I am a language teacher and maintain a language school in Brazil, so for me some of them I can keep updated.

Some people have said and asked why I did not put them together in a flow. I really know that some internet polyglots can deal with this easily, but I CANNOT, I really need at least 5 minutes to “turn off”  a language and “tune in” another one. If I do not do this I will do some unpleasant mixtures like “Spanglish”, “Portuñol” , “Franglais” and so on, But many of them were recorded in the same day except Dutch, this one was recorded when I finished I “challenge” to learn it in only  3 months, and as I supposed despite of having learnt a lot, I lost the “flow” and it will require more than 5 minutes (maybe a week to review it).

So, I will categorically state that: “It is not hard to learn a foreign language, neither several of them, but it is absolutely hard to maintain them all” so I hardly believe that I polyglot can really maintain a reasonable high level of more than 15 languages, like stated by the former Guinness Book of World Records Ziad Fazah. He is now known as the man who does NOT know 59 languages. I will after write more about him, but I truly believe him,  maybe he has studied 59 languages but it is a huge amount of information to keep updated, even if you dedicate your whole time on this subject.
So, let´s go to my videos:
I made two versions one with English subtitles and the second with Portuguese subtitle, so enjoy them. And fell free to comment and subscribe my YouTube channel and this website. 

With English subtitles

With Portuguese subtitles

Fell free to comment and subscribe my YouTube channel and this website. 
Best wishes,
Jimmy Mello